Don't forget to visit POD2PEER.COM for even more great stuff!

Friday, December 30, 2005

A New Way To Contact Us

We've just added an online voicemail service to the show, so you can call and leave us a voicemail from your phone! The number is (206) 339-3457. It's a toll free charge but you will have to pay any long distance fees if that applies to your calling plans. So give us a call and leave a message, you might end up on the next show if you do. - CJ

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Shoutouts and an Episode 6 Teaser

Just wanna make a special shoutout to the staff at for the support of their kickass admin team.

Also big props to the work going on at and to

Episode #6 is in the works and should be out soon. Just completed an interview with a very cool ISP network admin that gives us his take on the effects of P2P on ISPs, the RIAA, and bandwidth capping. This episode is shaping up to be one of the best yet.

BIG thanks to all that have taken the time to listen to and comment on our show. It drives us to work harder to get better and put out even more.


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Episode 5 Released

Our Merry Christmast show... In this episode we talk about pizza hut japan, of course the japanese word of the day (unfortunately, we found out that Confucius is actually dead, and it was a fraud on our show) a-la Bryan, encoding tips via The FilmMachine, top 10s, Apple taking over the online trade, limewire's new spam and fake file filters, and apparently, the downfall of peer2peer filesharring.... i guess they had to tell us about that one... Merry christmas and happy holidays everyone, i hope you get that new ipod video to rawk your socks off with...

We'll I'm off to steal... i mean... have santa bring me, a nice new lian-li Vcool PC-V1000B+

Monday, December 19, 2005


Our sever that we host the show on is currently switching it's servers to another DNS, they say it will only take a day so if you cant get a hold of any of the episodes, this is why. The new server should be up soon, and then you should be able to get access to the shows then. Sorry for the inconviniance - Charlie

Update. Well, the server has been updated, now their working on getting all the files moved over to the new address, so it shouldn't be too much longer.

Update - Looks like they got everything sorted at the server, and the show is now available again through the normal links - Charlie

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Featured Podcast

We've made the featured podcast list over at! Horray for us! Most of the credit goes to bryan who makes our presence known at the pickle, so major kudos to him. Another announcment, bryan won a prize last night at the pickle online christmas party, so another pat on the back to him. I've added a link on the right of the page for our listeners to click on. It will take you over to the pickle and add us to your favorites list. If your not registerd at the pickle then it will set you up for that, and it's an easy process, so no worries. We need all that can do it, to add us to the fav's list, which is a one time thing only, so it's not asking much. The more people put us on their favorites list, the higher ranking we'll get at the pickle, and then hopefully, the more listeners we'll get. Thanks to all thoes who have voted at podcast alley too, we really appreciate it. - Charlie

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Episode 4 released

Oh boy. What I do for the show. It's 2am, and I gotta be up in 4 hours. I'm nut's I know. Ep 4 is out. In it we get some words of wisdom from confucious, who fixed his audio this time around. We also have an interview at a lesbian party, with the birthday girl herself, a good friend of mine, and we play some podsafe music in memory of the recently departed Richard Pryor. I also give out a quick encoding trick, and make plans to start teaching Avs. If i'm forgettting anything else then screw it, it's 2 am and i'm about to pass out. Mabey tommorow after work I'll post some of the pics from the lesbian party, for now, my ass is off to bed. And don't forget to vote for us at - Charlie

Friday, December 09, 2005

Fun Little Promotion Linking Image

Okay folks, Brian got this cool idea for promotion just now... so, him being the amazing man with html and ipb code, set me to work.... so, now we have it, in two flavours, one you can put on your website to promote us, which if you click will go to our feedburner address, and one for forums that you can put in your signature and if you click will go to our feedburner address (we also have a non-hotlink flavour for those sites that don't like hotlinks in signatures)... as you can see, its over in our links section, and looks quite snazzy, the coolest thing is, the gif will auto update everytime we upload a new episode... cool huh.... well here you go, another taste of it

Pod2Peer - The ONLY P2P Podcast

so, what's this i hear, you want it NOW!... yes, we understand, so do we... here's how you can do it...

1) if you would like to add this to your own website, or something you can put html code in (your blogger links, myspace, your personal website, so on) copy this bit of code to the area on said site where you want it

<a href=""><img src="" style="border: 0pt none ;" alt="Pod2Peer - The ONLY P2P Podcast" height="67" width="200" /></a>

that's it, you're done

Okay, now for forums and such that use the [url] tags instead of good old html.... you want to add this to your signature

you say.... yes, just that easy....

now, there are a few number of forums that don't like it when people have links in their signatures... which we can understand... guess what! we've got just the image for you


you'll still be able to pimp out our show, and it will still show the scrolling images, and update every new episode....

aren't you excited....

well, that's it for todays lesson in cool ways to pimp out your favoite podcast to all your friends.... i'm out


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Episode 3 is live

Finally finished editing episode 3, first time using a new piece of audio editing software, so it took me a bit longer than it should have... but, it's done, if you notice any rough spots on the edit, blame Charlie, Brian or my new program becuase it sure as hell wasn't my fault... anyhow, here's a summary of what we've got for you this time 'round...

In this episode we jump into the Patricia Santangelo vs. RIAA case, avi2dvd encoding techniques, the starting of our must buy christmas list and holiday music, learn japanese language number two (with special guest Confucius, yes he's chinese) and comcast rant of the week. Oh, and Kyp finally joined us, somewhat inebriated.

so... enjoy, send us email so we can feel loved (even if it is requesting for me to never drink again... which might happen anyways) and ya, vote for us on i'm out
