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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

More Than a P2P Podcast

Pod2Peer is so much more than a P2P related podcast. It's also a closet growroom, an unethical psychology experiment, a cocktail party, a tough guy on line at Walmart, a recording studio, a power fisting competition, Kermit's comeback, a thesis defense, a biker bar full of meth whores, an excuse for abortion, a floor wax, and a creamy dessert topping.

Thanks for dropping by.


Ok, now this is beggining to get out of hand.
There seems to be an annonomus funny man out there.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Portable Media Expo

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be able to visit the portable media expo, aka the podcast expo. Got some pics while I was there and I thought I'd share em.
Starting from left to right, we have me and Leo Laporte, then a picture of Adrina Thorpe, a singer who's music we played a podsafe song of episode 2, a nice shot of Soccergirl with the body paint. Next level down is a pic with me and Dawn and Drew, then another pic of Soccergirl doing a live podcast, followed by a pic of the vcrew from The Amazing Adventures Of Dr. Floyd doing a live podcast. On the third level down we have a pic of Leo Laporte during a commercial break for his Kfi Tech guy podcast, a pic of me with Dawn from Dawn and Drew, and a pic of Bibb and Yaz doing a live podcast. On the last level of pics we have Leo Laporte doing some interviews with Dawn and Drew, Brother Love, from the podsafe music network, and Adrina Thorpe.
The whole experiance was a blast. I got to meet tons and tons of fellow podcasters, and learned loads about all the stuff you can do with your podcast. Hope you enjoy the pic's. (and fyi, yeah I noticed the dude in the front of the pic of Brother love picking his nose, that's why I used that one)

Show 1 and 2 done

Well, we (as in brian and Charlie, since i am on vacation and forgot my mic) have completed our first 2 shows for the public, with few hitches, they are getting better by the show, and the rants are getting louder, we still have some bumps to get through and are working out some new ways of doing things, so keep and ear out, and keep listening, we'll just keep getting better. Maybe I'll actually appear in one of these shows too :P

Thanks for all the support so far and to you listeners that we have, tell your friends about the best ranters on the internet, and tell them to listen


Saturday, November 26, 2005

Welcome To Pod2peer's Blog

Welcome to our blog. Here you can get information about the hosts, andthe latest news about the Pod2peer show, and updates on whats to come