Where The Hell Have We Gone?
Hello everybody, long time no see. Charlie here. I'm sure some of you, or mabye even none of you have been wondering what the hell has been going on with the pod2peer, and even the TorrentPod show's. Well, to sum it up, life happened. My cohorts on pod2peer, as most know, retired from the show, cause lts face it, it took a lot of time and effort to do. I tried to keep it going, but I was dealing with my wife, now my ex, and all her drama, and just didn't have the time. TorrentPod stopped coming for the same reason, but thankfully, if you hop on over to torrentfreak, you'll see they ended up with a cool little video show. Since I went on hiatus I have been getting m life back in order, dealing with time with the kids and all the fun stuff that divorce involves. It was a rough road, but I'm happy to say that i'm back to normal finally, and have really been thinking about doing the show again. Now, I just recieved word that my host, switchpod, is migrating into lybsin, and if all goes smoothly, there shouldn't be too many hiccups if your looking to grab an older episode. After the migration, I will be looking into setting up the show, gotta find all my old files and stuff for doing the show. And for thoes who have been keeping up on the show, for some god only knows reason, even after a year and a half, were still pulling in over 10,000 downloads a month, which is not only cool, but odd. K, well, as always, if you have any questions, or just wanna chat, you can always hit me up at pod2peer@gmail.com. Till then, ttyl - CJ